Sales FAQ
Yes we sure do! Our smallest size is a 6x6x3 and we can do up to 48" pieces and up to 5 inches deep! Use the contact form to request a quote!
We do ship internationally, but unfortunately the shipping costs are high. We are not marking the prices up, it is just an unfortunate circumstance due to few carriers and the size and weight of our molds.
Well if properly taken care of, they can be used dozens of times over! It will not wear out like a silicone mold will, but you can warp the plastic if you overheat it and it can be scratched which will transfer to your piece, so you have to give proper care.
At Moldi, we want nothing more than our customers to have the best products, but we also know there are some who want to abuse the system (not you ๐ so please be aware of the following:
Should your product arrive damaged, please immediately reach out to us at and include your order number. Floral preservation molds are warranted for excessive, resin damaging scratches upon arrival and may not be honored if not immediately reported. Woodworking molds may have scratches. All molds will be warranted for design defects including screws pulling out or excessive leakage for 90 days. Products are leak tested before leaving, so products reported for warpage due to overly hot resin will not be honored. Wingnuts are to only be tightened by hand, using tools may damage the mold and void the 90 day warranty.
**Although items are tested for leakage, there is always the possibility of leakage due to incorrect assembly or a lack of tightening down the wingnuts. Always put something under the mold to catch any possible leakage. We are not responsible for you dripping on your couch ๐ If you are getting more than a few drops leaking, please reach out to us! Now go out and make something AMAZING!!!
Should your product arrive damaged, please immediately reach out to us at and include your order number. Floral preservation molds are warranted for excessive, resin damaging scratches upon arrival and may not be honored if not immediately reported. Woodworking molds may have scratches. All molds will be warranted for design defects including screws pulling out or excessive leakage for 90 days. Products are leak tested before leaving, so products reported for warpage due to overly hot resin will not be honored. Wingnuts are to only be tightened by hand, using tools may damage the mold and void the 90 day warranty.
**Although items are tested for leakage, there is always the possibility of leakage due to incorrect assembly or a lack of tightening down the wingnuts. Always put something under the mold to catch any possible leakage. We are not responsible for you dripping on your couch ๐ If you are getting more than a few drops leaking, please reach out to us! Now go out and make something AMAZING!!!
Checkout our friend Darien's video
If you follow the simple FAQ video on the sequence of tightening the mold down, then give it a once over to make sure the wingnuts are snug, you should not see any seepage from the mold without the need for any sealant!d
Our floral preservation molds are warranted to not have excessive, resin-damaging scratches and are made so that you can just pop your piece out shiny! Woodworking molds will have scuffs/scratches as the industry doesn't require glassy sides since wood will be placed inside the mold.
Customer FAQ
Also watch the Assembly and Demolding videos in the list on this page.
Once you have successfully popped your piece out, reassemble the mold and store it upside down so that nothing can fall inside it and scratch the surface.

After you have removed your piece and are ready to create another, you will want to completely disassemble the mold, laying it down on a flat surface with the numbers sides down so as to not scratch the inside of the mold. Use Windex and gently wipe the upside (non-numbers sides) of each piece. Inspect the edges of each piece and threaded stud/wingnut for any leftover resin and remove gently without scratching the good side of the piece.
It may happen from time to time when resin gets into the threads, but the good news is it is a simple fix.
1. Put the wingnut back onto the small thread (machine thread) side of the stud and spin it by hand until it stops.
2. Now, with the mold completely disassembled, put a dab of superglue onto the end of the course side of the stud.
3. Holding only the panel that the stud came out of, gently reinsert the course threaded side back into it's hole on the mold and "righty tighty" it back by hand until the wingnut gets near or completely touches the panel. After a couple of minutes for the superglue to dry, spin the wingnut backwards and now you are ready to reassemble!

At Moldi, we want nothing more than our customers to have the best products, but we also know there are some who want to abuse the system (not you ๐ so please be aware of the following:
Should your product arrive damaged, please immediately reach out to us at and include your order number. Products are warranted for excessive, resin damaging scratches upon arrival and may not be honored if not immediately reported. Products will be warranted for design defects including screws pulling out or excessive leakage for 90 days. Products are leak tested before leaving, so products reported for warpage due to overly hot resin will not be honored. Wingnuts are to only be tightened by hand, using tools may damage the mold and void the 90 day warranty.
**Although items are tested for leakage, there is always the possibility of leakage due to incorrect assembly or a lack of tightening down the wingnuts. Always put something under the mold to catch any possible leakage. We are not responsible for you dripping on your couch ๐ If you are getting more than a few drops leaking, please reach out to us! Now go out and make something AMAZING!!!
Should your product arrive damaged, please immediately reach out to us at and include your order number. Products are warranted for excessive, resin damaging scratches upon arrival and may not be honored if not immediately reported. Products will be warranted for design defects including screws pulling out or excessive leakage for 90 days. Products are leak tested before leaving, so products reported for warpage due to overly hot resin will not be honored. Wingnuts are to only be tightened by hand, using tools may damage the mold and void the 90 day warranty.
**Although items are tested for leakage, there is always the possibility of leakage due to incorrect assembly or a lack of tightening down the wingnuts. Always put something under the mold to catch any possible leakage. We are not responsible for you dripping on your couch ๐ If you are getting more than a few drops leaking, please reach out to us! Now go out and make something AMAZING!!!
Yes, we recommend cleaning your flowers off very well before placing in your mold, especially if you are trying different layouts.
Checkout our friend Darien's video
Here is a short video explaining the demolding process for the skull.